Return to Divine Balance Program

Return to Divine Balance Program


This 12 Week Program initiates with your Body Type Evaluation and once your Body Type is determined, guidelines on eating and exercising will be included.

Grounding techniques that will bring the nervous system back into the Parasympathetic Nervous State (rest and repair state) will be offered as well as breathing techniques to restore a sense of wholeness and calmness in your being.

We will also address whatever major emotional themes are affecting your life and how to use the feelings that you do have as instigators for positive change. We will also identify and explore the current paradigms that you currently hold and work on reframing any beliefs that are limiting your potential. 

We will delve into the concept of forgiveness, discuss the practices that encourage a deep heartfelt connection for others and self and how forgiveness has the power to transform all aspects of your life including health. 

We will assess your current state of physical, emotional and spiritual health with a frequency device called the AO Scan that has the power to pick up on any interference that you are experiencing giving us a starting point on what we should prioritise in your wellness journey. The AO Scan is an incredible frequency device that picks up on EVERY system of your body including what chakras are blocked, what emotions the body is holding onto that will be affecting your overall health, what microbes that you have been exposed to that may be keeping you out of balance (ex: fungus, bacteria, parasites, viruses) , what environmental toxins are keeping you from thriving (ex: mold, heavy metals, chemicals), what systems and organs that may be under-functioning (ex: heart, lung, liver, thyroid etc), what hormones and organs are out of balance, how your immune system is functioning and measuring the markers of immunity, what food intolerances you may have and the list goes on and on….It is a FULL BODY & SYSTEM evaluation ALL done with the power of frequency. From these results, you will be advised on how to bring more balance into your body and how to support your body’s innate ability to detoxify what is keeping it from coming into balance and full vitality.

We will meet weekly for 12 weeks to track your progress, celebrate of course at the end of your 12 weeks, and then see if you need any further support! Everything that I am offering, I have done for myself so I speak from firsthand experience as to what I strongly believe will bring the body back into Divine Balance. I will be with you every step of the way during the easy times and during the tougher times and every time in between because I believe in YOU and the power that you have to HEAL! xxx

Coming Soon