“Reclaim Your Innate Intelligence Program"

“Reclaim Your Innate Intelligence Program"


Your 12 Week “Reclaim Your Innate Intelligence Program”

  • Discover what physical Interferences are keeping your body from fully activating its innate healing power. If you are struggling with symptoms in your body, then it is vital to look at what environmental issue or issues are interfering with your body’s ability to heal. An example would be, mold exposure, heavy metal exposure, parasites, lyme etc…

  • Learn how a fasting lifestyle with a focus on a Ketogenic approach to food ignites healing from within (autophagy) while promoting balance within the body AND up leveling cognitive performance. Once we will delve into the concept of inflammation, you will start to understand that food truly is the MEDICINE and that this medicine has the power to ignite your self-healing abilities. 

  • Unravel the mental ’stories’ and ‘beliefs’ that are sabotaging not only your health but your life’s highest purpose and destiny. This is profoundly important as our beliefs serve as a road map to how we navigate life and if our beliefs are wrapped around whatever trauma we have experienced, we limit ourselves to a life that is viewed through a lens of limitation, pain and disempowerment instead of expressing fully as our Creator intended. 

  • Unearth the hidden emotions that you never allowed yourself to feel and learn how to untether yourself from the limiting stories behind them. Our traumas live in the body and specifically in our Chakras, and as we uncover what emotional imprints/interferences are affecting your health, shamanic energy medicine will be implemented to move the dense energy that has been negatively impacting your health.  

I do not believe that anyone should be denied a chance at getting well due to their income not being able to cover the cost of the program therefore I offer a sliding scale program and opportunities to pay over time for those who need it. 

Coming Soon