So what does working together look like? 

Well, since we are addressing both the soul AND the body, it’s most likely going to feel quite different from anything else you have tried and that is a good thing!

The health industry has us so focused on the physical part of ourselves that is it any wonder why so many of us dismiss this elusive yet beautifully necessary part of our healing. Our bodies live inside our souls and yet for most of us, we put all of our focus around healing our physical selves but there is so so much more to us than our bodies!

As a Shaman, my role is to work with your LEF (Luminous Energy Field) so imprints can be cleared. Shamans call this an Illumination. Dr. Antonio Villoldo, a world-renowned Shaman, anthropologist, and teacher of mine, expresses beautifully in his own words below just how integral it is to heal the soul as a means of healing the body…..


The Luminous Energy Field (LEF)


— also called the light body, halo, or aura — is a matrix that envelops and informs the physical structure of all living beings, and organizes the body the same way that iron filings are organized by a magnet.

It is shaped like a doughnut with a narrow axis or tunnel (called a torus), less than a molecule thick, in the center. Perceived as an aura of energy and light, this translucent, multicolored bubble extends about the height of arms held above the head, the width of outstretched arms, and down into the earth about a foot. The Luminous Energy Field is in continual flow:  As well as flowing clockwise around the body there is also a vertical flow up and down through the spinal cord and down into the earth, reentering the body through the feet.

It is a reservoir of vital force — a sea of living energy as indispensable to our health as the oxygen and nutrients carried by the bloodstream. These energies are the purest and most precious fuel for life. When the vital reserves are depleted through illness, environmental pollutants, or stress, we suffer disease. The LEF contains a template of how we live, how we age, how we heal, and how we might die. This template is based on an “archive” of all of our personal and ancestral memories, early-life trauma, and wounds from former lifetimes. These records or imprints are stored in full color and intensity of emotion.

The LEF is holographic in nature and has four multidimensional layers extending outward from the body: Causal (Spirit), Psychic (soul), Mental-emotional (mind) and Physical (body). The outermost layer, or membrane, serves as a defensive cocoon in the same way the skin protects the body. Imprints of physical trauma are stored in the outermost layer, emotional imprints are stored in the second layer, soul imprints in the third, and spiritual imprints in the fourth and deepest layer.

Imprints in the LEF predispose us to follow certain pathways in life; they orchestrate incidents, experiences, and the people we attract to ourselves. They are like dormant computer programs that when activated compel us toward behaviors, relationships, accidents, and illnesses that parody the initial wounding: Our personal history repeats itself. When there is no imprint for disease in the LEF, recovery from an illness happens at tremendous speed. By the same token, imprints can depress the immune system, causing delays in recovery. When we erase the negative imprint that caused the onset of illness, the immune system can rapidly eradicate the disease.

Many researchers believe the LEF is simply an aura produced by electric activity in the brain and nervous system. Shamans, however, believe that the LEF is what creates and continues to mold the body, the brain, and the nervous system. Shamans also believe that everything we perceive is a reflection of an internal, individual map or blueprint that each of us has constructed about the nature of reality. These maps are stored in the LEF, and what scientists call neural networks in our brain.

Shamans know that if they wish to change the outer world, they must begin by changing the inner maps, by healing the imprints of disease and trauma from the LEF, and upgrading its quality. When we do this, we create the energetic conditions for health — and disease goes away. This is the foundation of Shamanic Energy Medicine: To create and maintain extraordinary health so that our health span equals our lifespan.



So in our sessions together, we will engage in the energy work that your soul needs to break free from imprints that are limiting your highest expression especially when it comes to health. 

How much does an Illumination cost?




We will be in a quiet and sacred space where you will feel encouraged to relax and let go of all of your present concerns. You will be lying down during the session and a safe space is created for you so that you can benefit as much as possible from our time together. 

How long are the sessions?

A typical Illumination takes about 90 minutes although it’s challenging to put a time limit on this type of work. The session will be complete once the chakra has been cleared.


How many do I need?

That depends on the individual and their unique life path. We can only work on one chakra at a time and most people, including myself, need the work done until major shifts start happening. 


What about help with healing the body? 


You see, the same intelligence that designed our Universe is in our cells. This “Innate Intelligence” as many call it, is ALWAYS present and it is waiting to be expressed. Our bodies have been designed to self-heal; unfortunately, we have a society that has ingrained in us the belief system that the solution lies outside of us and not within us. The real miracles in “healing'“ happen when we combine soul healing (or energetic clearing) with the implementation of what the body truly needs to function optimally (diet, lifestyle) and my role as your healing guide is to help you rediscover this truth.

“The power that made body heals the body”

~BJ Palmer

My goal as your health guide is not to only ignite that belief within you but to give you the tools to experience it and express it for yourself. Over my 25-year career in health and wellness, I have had 3 very significant teachers and mentors along the way. Dr. Abravanel, the creator of the Body Type concept, introduced me to the concept of Body Type Metabolism and its importance in bringing the Endocrine System  (The Endocrine Glands produce hormones in our body, think adrenals, thyroid, etc) into balance with specific diet and exercise protocols as well as lifestyle & meditative practices. 

Dr. Pompa, my second significant health mentor and a world renowned leader in cellular healing and detox with whom I worked with as a functional medicine health coach, further opened me up to the concept of balance with the understanding that all pathogens and environmental toxins have the power to negatively disrupt our balance (creating dis-ease in the body) and how important it is to remove (detox) these pathogens (think heavy metals, mold, parasites etc) so we can reclaim our highest levels of health. 

Finally, Dr. Antonio Villoldo, world renowned Shaman and anthropologist, has been my most recent teacher, helped me understand that in order to truly optimize the body and reverse dis-ease, we need to clear the imprints and interferences in our own personal energy fields. In other words, allowing our limited sense of ‘SELF’ to be temporarily disrupted so our identity shifts from the EGO self to the SOUL self and THIS is where major breakthroughs in healing happen. He also opened up my eyes to the importance of living in balance and awareness with the two great forces that make up who we are, mother earth & father sky.

Ultimately, this all comes down to bringing the body into balance with its internal and external surroundings and we do this with energy AND physical work. Living in harmony with nature (our beautiful mother earth) and with our highest sense of knowing that we are, in fact, divine by nature is the deepest truth within us that has been waiting to be discovered. 

Some of my findings will be intuitive in nature and some of my findings will be assessed through AO Scan Technology ( Both will help me formulate your very own ‘Return to Divine Balance Program’ based on your unique individual history and blue-print. Please read more about the AO Scan in the “Store” section of my website under the “Return To Divine Balance” option to purchase.

Your specific “Return to Divine Balance Program” will include nutrition and movement prescriptions based on your ‘Body Type”, lifestyle enhancement tools such as breathing techniques, mindfulness, and gratitude practices, emotional exploration tools, and the power they have to transform your relationships, the power of forgiveness insights, and so on, and guidelines on how to optimize all systems in the body such as the nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, etc bringing the body back into the state of balance it was designed for. You will learn ways to optimize detox pathways in the body so that the body can fully ignite its wisdom to purge and release any microbe, pathogen, and toxin that is not serving its highest state of health. Lastly, you will discover the importance of living with intention and the awareness that we are extensions of a powerful planet and its Creator.

  • Your 12 Week “Divine Balance” Program costs: $1444

  • Hour Long Follow Up Sessions: $75

I do not believe that anyone should be denied a chance at getting well due to their income not being able to cover the cost of the program therefore I offer a sliding scale program and opportunities to pay over time for those who need it.