What is Soulful Health?

When the body and soul are in communion, healing miracles occur.

It has always been known that the mind and body are connected. Whatever and however the mind thinks, the body follows. It is the very same for the soul. When we are aware of the vastness and ethereal nature of our being, we can become limitless as limitations only occur through the ego as the limited self. 

There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.

~swami vivkananda

So how would I define soulful health?

Soulful health is a state of being that carries with it a deep knowing that the body is a divine vessel for the soul. When we experience ourselves as our infinite self and not the egoic self, all of the limited beliefs, conditioning and programming that influence dis-ease in the body cease to exist and when THAT happens, we experience soulful health in a soulful body. 

A soulful body understands,

It can carry with it the pain of our ancestors as well as karmic fate both of which can be untethered so that the soul can be and feel at its most freest. It carries within it both sides of the creator, the light and the dark. It carries with it all of the potential to live freely, joyously, and abundantly. 

Everything we put in our mouths is either supporting our highest health or hindering its highest expression. Our “inferences” have been placed in our being and body by not only toxins and chemicals in our food and the environment but also our thoughts (conditioning) and beliefs and emotions that we carry. 

In order to create optimal health, we must address our physical toxic load as well as the toxic load that our souls carry such as deep emotional trauma, karma, ancestral patterning, and societal conditioning.  Some of the greatest medicine we can give ourselves is the letting go of our ’stories’ of suffering. 

Our Soul is the sacred essence within us; our deepest purpose, our unique meaning, the guiding force behind our individual lives

~Mateo sol

The reality that we ‘see’ and ‘experience’ with our senses is just ONE of many realities and our reality is more expansive and powerful than we have been told. It has been created to carry out the creator’s intent for us whatever that beautiful unique path may look like. 

A soulful body is one that carries with it a deep knowing that it is never separated from its creator and it carries within it the very same intelligence that created us. It recognizes that all feelings are tools and signposts for deep personal introspection giving us the opportunity to explore what needs exploring and healing. 

It is understanding that by opening up to our heart space, we open up to all of the love & magic inside of us. Its thoughts and beliefs are a greater expression of God illuminating either our darkness or our light. It is separate from nothing and that that is there is no exception to that. 

A soulful body understands that it is connected to all living things, and when we let go and live beyond our ’stories of suffering’ personal freedom and our highest health can be found. It is connected to its highest truth which is love and its connection to the very same intelligence that created us, and it must navigate through its own darkness to access all of the light within. A soulful body knows that she is not just flesh but a portal to the divine.

Your best and most soulful health is waiting for you to go beyond the beyond of what you already think you know. 

YOU are a divine Channel for the language of God and that language is love.