The Gift Of Prayer To Transform

A Gift From A Spiritual Teacher Of Mine, Dr. Sheel Tangri.

May it help you as it has helped me…

‘Dear spirit that resides in me and in everything,

I connect now to all levels of my being. The tiniest particles that make up the atoms, molecules, and cells in my body. I reconnect to all of these cells, tissues, and structures of my body and see them as one, as they were when I first started inside of my mother. I connect to every feeling, every thought, and every memory that I have ever had or will have, as well as those thoughts, words, and energies that have been thought of or said about me or projected on to me. I connect to all people and to all parts of nature and the cosmos.

I realize that I am everything and that everything is me, and everything is one. At some point of my life, however, I forgot this truth and became separated form everything. As I became more and more separate and less and less awake to my higher self, I said and did things that were not always for the good of all. Spirit, that really was not my intent. I merely forgot the workings of the power that resides in me. I reconnect and awaken to that power and know that I am love and I am loved if I will let myself be loved. I can do anything my heart wishes if it is in alignment with the truth of all that is.

I am asking and giving permission to heal on all levels of my being. To clear away or remove any and all energies, thought patterns, or belief systems that are not in alignment with, or serving the growth and evolution of my higher self.

I forgive everyone, including myself, for everything. Nothing is worth holding on to other than love. When I don’t forgive, it only keeps us vibrating at a lower frequency, and I choose to be one with higher vibration until I shine. So I truly forgive everyone for everything.

Guide me spirit. Bring me people, experiences, thoughts, events, and things that will teach me and reflect back to me the love and light that I have within me. I realize that the power of what I have said or thought about others and myself has tremendous power. I neutralize all thoughts and words that I have used against others and myself, that have in only lowered the vibration on this planet. I speak only from my heart, regardless of what people think, say, or expect of me. I will notice my thoughts and words and use only those that serve the highest good. All my actions are done with love.

I am so grateful for everything I have. This body, which I have criticized, rejected, or neglected from time to time, is an awesome vehicle. I connect with it and thank it for carrying me through life. I do my best to respect you and look after you, my body. I give permission to release all the toxins that are accumulated in all systems of my body, for they are only lowering my vibration. I see it happening now. I see my body shining brighter as I connect with it and breathe with it.

The people and events in my life have shown me so much. I choose to be awake to see the lessons and the potential that they have, thus giving me the freedom to allow my full potential to rise to the surface. I am not responsible for saving or changing anyone. Only they can do that by becoming awake. I am only responsible for changing myself. To truly receive and be filled with spirit is what will allow me to give to others. I shine as brightly as I can and will it that nothing but universal love and light shines through my eyes. This is what I want, spirit. Show me the way.

Thank you mother Earth and thank you father sky for all that you provide. Forgive us for our neglect of you, but I now realize that our separation and eventual neglect of ourselves is what is causing us to neglect you. I send you love and gratitude. I send this healing out to the universe and I see my hands over the whole planet with light coming through my hands and everything on this planet and in this universe receiving the healing and love that is.

If what I have just asked for is in alignment with the truth of all that is, then I ask that it permeate every level of my being now and forever. If there is any part of me that resists receiving what I have just asked for, then I first ask that those blocks be healed and removed so that what I have asked for can flow through me as one.

I ask for this now and forever.

Thank you for making it so.”


Francesca Pardini